The sections of this article are:
- When is polygamy allowed in Islam?
- What was the purpose of Noble Verse 4:3?
- The way I read Noble Verse 4:3.
- Why didn't Allah Almighty directly prohibit polygamy?
- Why then did Prophet Muhammad practice polygamy?
- Can anyone be absolutely fair?
- Too much illiterate and starving kids damage the society and Islam.
- What if the person is rich and can afford polygamy?
- Conclusion.
Marriage from multiple women in Islam might not be allowed for those who might result in damaging the society with their marriage by bringing more illiterate, poor, and in many cases starving children to the society.
Let us look at Noble Verse 4:3 "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice." Notice how Allah Almighty orders men to be either fair to their wives or never marry more than one wife.
Let us look at Noble Verse 4:129 "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." Here we clearly see that Allah Almighty tells men that they will never be fair to their wives.
Let us see why then Allah Almighty temporarily ordered polygamy but yet very highly discouraged it, and why I personally believe from the Noble Quran that polygamy should not be allowed today to most Muslim men in the Muslim world.
What was the purpose of the Noble Verse 4:3?
Noble Verse 4:3 was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in Madina after he migrated to it from Mecca and established an Islamic state there right after the battle of Uhud in which the Muslims not only had lost badly against the Pagans, but also suffered a dramatic decrease in the number of Muslim men. The Muslim men before that battle were approximately 700. They became only 400 after the battle. This loss had left so many Muslim women (1) Widows, and (2) Not able to get married if they were single.
To make matters even worse, the Muslims had faced yet another battle against the Pagans in Mecca and its neighboring tribes who wanted to attack the Muslims in Madina to finish off Islam once and for all, and by the Jews and the Christians in Madina who betrayed the Muslims in the "battle of Trench" after signing a defense treaty with Muhammad peace be upon him against the Pagans.
All praise due to Allah Almighty. With Allah's Will and Mercy, the Muslims had miraculously won the battle against the Pagans of Mecca and drove them back to where they came from, and then attacked the Jews and the Christians who betrayed the defense treaty and kicked those hypocrites out of Madina forever!
These continuous battles against the Muslims were very costly in terms of Muslim men's lives. The women had to be taken care of one way or another. For this reason, Allah Almighty had revealed the Noble Verse 4:3 to Muhammad peace be upon him to solve the social problems that the Muslims were facing. That is why at the very beginning of the Noble Verse 4:3 we see Allah Almighty setting a conditional clause for Orphans "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans...(4:3)." This Noble Verse came down for the purpose of protecting the Orphans and to increase the number of the Muslims by allowing the men to marry multiple wives (preferably from the grown Orphans at that time), up to four wives only. The purpose was absolutely not for man's sexual pleasure nor privilege, nor was it to support man's personal ego. It was revealed to solve a major social problem to prevent major sins such as illegal sex and prostitution.
Polygamy is not encouraged in the Noble Quran, nor Allah Almighty had allowed it because He really liked it. He was clearly careful to highly discourage polygamy to men by telling them "but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one...(4:3)" which clearly orders men to either be fair or to not marry at all, despite the fact that we lost many men, Allah Almighty still didn't want polygamy to really take place. That's why He later told men "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire...(4:129)" which clearly nullifies the excuse that He gave them to practice polygamy. Is this a contradiction then? Absolutely not!. It clearly proves that when Allah Almighty allowed polygamy, He only allowed it because we (the Muslims) had an emergency; we lost almost half of our men if not even more. When Islam later became much stronger and Muslims defeated the infidels in the continues battles that were forced upon them (the Muslims), Allah Almighty nullified the excuse that he gave to men to practice polygamy, which would then lead to prohibiting polygamy altogether.
The way I read Noble Verse 4:3 is as follows:
Allah Almighty ordered us to take care of the Orphans in our Islamic society (Noble Verses 2:177, 2:215, 2:220 and much more). He then commands us that if we fear that we will not be able to provide enough support for the too much Orphans in our society (especially after the battle of Uhud where more than half of the Muslim men were lost), then marry up to four of them to provide a social balance between men and women. But if a person feels that he can't handle multiple women, then one is just fine.
That's really all there is to it. Please read the Noble Verse again and compare it to my brief explanation above:
"If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice. (The Noble Quran, 4:3)"
Why didn't Allah Almighty then directly prohibit polygamy?
Because Islam is the most straight forward religion, and because Islam is truly a religion for all times and all places that doesn't need to be modified as some of the other religions in the world do (including Christianity). Allah Almighty left the issue of polygamy open for Muslims in case Muslims face dilemmas in the future like the ones we faced during Islam's weak times by losing too many men. In cases like this, Muslim scholars should look into allowing polygamy. But until then, polygamy should be completely prohibited by the Muslim scholars according to the commands of Allah Almighty.
To see polygamy in the Bible where a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry, see Exodus 21:10 in the Bible. Please note that King David in the Bible had six wives and numerous concubines according to 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3. King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines according to 1 Kings 11:3. Also, Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines according to 2 Chronicles 11:21.
Please visit: Polygamy in both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible. Jesus himself in the New Testament allowed Polygamy.
Why then did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him practice polygamy?
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him can be treated as an exceptional case. The Noble Verses that I presented above clearly talked about men and women in general. They apply to all men and all women. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was a Messenger of GOD (filled with sympathy and mercy to people) and a leader for all Muslims. He didn't practice polygamy for the sake of sexual pleasure at all. Most of his wives were either widows (older than him in age too) or divorced women (also most of them were either older or same age). Only one of his wives was a virgin, and he only married her because her father was his best friend. He wanted to strengthen that relationship. And it was her father who offered her to our Prophet peace be upon him anyway.
If our beloved Prophet peace be upon him really seeked sexual pleasure, then he would've married young virgins from the Muslims. Back then, people loved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so much, that they would literally do anything for him. Certainly fathers would've given him their young virgin daughters if he wanted to. Many people offered him their young virgin bosomed daughters anyway to raise their families' honor, but our Prophet never seeked that sexual privilege in life.
Because Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was a smart political leader and a wonderful humble merciful true Messenger of Allah Almighty, he chose to marry the weak from his people to encourage the Muslim men to do the same; to create a balance in the Muslim society. Again, another emergency case that existed during Islam's weak times that forced the Muslims (including Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) to practice polygamy.
Can anyone be absolutely fair?
No one on this earth including Muhammad peace be upon him can be absolutely fair. Our Prophet peace be upon him used to pray in one of his prayers to Allah Almighty by saying in Arabic "Allah humma innaka taalamu be anni aadiloo bima astatee', wa lakinnee la aadiloo bima la astatee'," which means in English "Dear Allah, you are well aware that I try to be just with all I can, but I can't be just with what I can't." This prayer means that our Prophet always tried to be fair as much as possible, but he couldn't always do that.
One time, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said this prayer, because he used to love his wife Aisha (who was the youngest of his wives) the most, and he always feared that he would not be fair to the rest of his wives. Muhammad peace be upon him recognized that he was only a human being, and he can not be fair especially in his feelings at all time.
This clearly proves that Islam highly discourages the marriage of multiple wives for (1) Because no one can be fair; (2) polygamy is only allowed when the male species is endangered in a society; and (3) The Noble Verse 4:3 orders us to marry only one wife if we feel that we will not be fair.
The Noble Verse that I presented above also clearly proves that no one can be absolutely fair; "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 4:129)"
Too much illiterate and starving kids damage the society and Islam:
Today in some of the poor Muslim countries, some poor men still practice polygamy. What benefit would it really serve the society and Islam for a person to bring more illiterate and starving kids into this world?
I honestly believe that practicing polygamy among the poor and starving is not allowed in Islam. Allah Almighty will hold accountable every man who practices polygamy. Poor men practicing polygamy don't provide fairness to the newly born kids and to the economically crippled society, and certainly not to their wives either.
If people practice polygamy without being thoughtful to others, then I am certain that Allah Almighty will take that negatively toward them, because Allah Almighty clearly demanded that we be fair, and think thoroughly before having multiple wives. He clearly encouraged just having one wife.
What if the person is rich and can afford polygamy?
I think it would be ok, but the man would still be taking a very high risk in displeasing GOD Almighty for anything that goes wrong in the marriages and the damages that it would cost the wives and the kids. If his kids will not be a burden on the society, and he makes sure that his wives are all treated well and equally as much as he can, even though he will never be perfectly just, then he might be ok.
Brining well educated kids into a Muslim society definitely helps. But if a rich guy practices polygamy the way some of the oil rich Gulf-Arab multi billionaires practice it; by marrying and divorcing on Thursdays which ensures that he never exceeds four women, and at the same time he always experiences new sexual pleasure with a new woman every week, then believe me Allah Almighty will damn him really bad in the Day of Judgment, because this is not the spiritual point from allowing polygamy in the Noble Quran!
I think practicing polygamy among those who can afford it really depends on the individual case. If the man's wife strongly opposes to polygamy to a point that she would seek a divorce, then obviously he can never satisfy her, and most probably can never be fair enough with her because he would be always fighting and arguing with her, where it may not be the case with the other wife. So destroying a marital life and damaging the kids for a personal reason is really not fair by itself, unless of course the wife is unbearable and the man and wife don't want the divorce, which in this case it would be a great idea for the man to have another wife.
Also, some Muslim women don't mind polygamy. And yes, some of them even seek wives for their husbands. If this is the case, then polygamy in this case would not be a problem, provide that the man can financially afford it and can provide a good quality life for all of his wives, and most importantly, can provide a good quality of education to his children.
As I said above, Allah Almighty clearly revealed Noble Verse 4:3 for the protection of the Orphans and to solve a major social imbalance between men and women. The Noble Verse never really came for man's pleasure, nor did it come for general purposes like in the Bible where men can practice polygamy for just about any reason.
So men in Islam are really taking risks when they practice polygamy for personal reasons only, because they will be held accountable for everything that goes wrong in the multiple marriages, and for any martial dissolutions that will ultimately hurt the kids the most.
Islam does not allow marriage of multiple wives for males' sexual privileges and desires as Anti-Islamics claim. A normal man who makes enough money to keep him surviving in life can not provide a fair quality of life to all his wives, which means that he must not be allowed to marry multiple wives because he will only make his society worse.
Noble Verse 4:3 came to solve social problems. Unfortunately today, some Muslims intensify the Muslim's social problems in the Islamic poor countries by marrying multiple wives and bringing more and more illiterate and poor kids into the society which on the long run will only keep their entire society below the level of poverty. Therefore, Noble Verse 4:3 doesn't allow polygamy just for anyone or any reason and Noble Verse 4:129 certainly nullifies the excuse Allah Almighty gave to Muslim men to practice polygamy. Therefore, unless we have social or personal dilemmas where too many Muslim men were lost, or there is problems with the wife toward her husband, then polygamy should not be allowed nor justified in my Islamic view.
And Allah Almighty knows best, and may He forgive me if I made any mistakes in this article.
(Copied Article):
Interested in Media & Culture. I am a free blogger neither rightist nor leftist and I don't bother if my blogs are unsatisfactory to some people.

20 February 2007
19 February 2007
New Class In Nicenet
Hi Friends of S3 Dpt of English Fes.I would like to inform you that lately we have created a new class under the name of " Dpt_of_English S4 Students".So, please join the class as soon as possible.The new class has the role of a public forum for only S4 students to share anything that interest them.We will start at the beginning of S4.Here is the code to join us : SZ93467D9Z
Many students are there waiting for you !
Many students are there waiting for you !
17 February 2007
British Media
Types Of Media:
I-The Press
II-TV Broadcasting
III- Radio
Assim AL MOUSSAOUI Presentation In British Life & Institutions Course
Semester 3 Group 1
Faculty Of Literature And Human Sciences,
Dhar El mehrez.Fes
Types Of Media:
I-The Press
II-TV Broadcasting
III- Radio
Assim AL MOUSSAOUI Presentation In British Life & Institutions Course
Semester 3 Group 1
Faculty Of Literature And Human Sciences,
Dhar El mehrez.Fes
1-Brief History Of British Newspapers
1-b.Nineteenth Century
2-Types Of Newspapers:
2-a.The Sun
2-b.The Guardian
3-Press Complaints Commission (PCC):
3-a.PCC Code Of Practice
3-b.Public Interest
4. The Campaign For Press and Broadcasting Freedom
1-Brief History Of British Newspapers
1-Brief History Of British Newspapers
1-a. Origins
Regular newspaper publication dates from the mid 17th century.
During the Civil War regular news-sheets appeared, followed by newsbooks carrying general information along with propaganda. Following the Restoration there arose a number of publications, including the London Gazette (first published on November 16, 1665 as the Oxford Gazette), the first official journal of record and the newspaper of the Crown. Publication was controlled under the Licensing Act of 1662, but the Act's lapses from 1679-1685 and from 1695 onwards encouraged a number of new titles. There were twelve London newspapers and 24 provincial papers by the 1720s (the Daily Courant was the first London newspaper). By the early 19th century there were 52 London papers and over 100 other titles.
1-b. Nineteenth Century
There was a massive growth in overall circulation as major events and improved communications developed the public's need for information. The Daily Universal Register began life in 1785 and was later to become known as The Times from 1788. This was the most significant newspaper of the first half of the 19th century, but from around 1860 there were a number of more strongly competitive titles, each differentiated by its political biases and interests.
2-Types Of Newspapers:
Regular newspaper publication dates from the mid 17th century.
During the Civil War regular news-sheets appeared, followed by newsbooks carrying general information along with propaganda. Following the Restoration there arose a number of publications, including the London Gazette (first published on November 16, 1665 as the Oxford Gazette), the first official journal of record and the newspaper of the Crown. Publication was controlled under the Licensing Act of 1662, but the Act's lapses from 1679-1685 and from 1695 onwards encouraged a number of new titles. There were twelve London newspapers and 24 provincial papers by the 1720s (the Daily Courant was the first London newspaper). By the early 19th century there were 52 London papers and over 100 other titles.
1-b. Nineteenth Century
There was a massive growth in overall circulation as major events and improved communications developed the public's need for information. The Daily Universal Register began life in 1785 and was later to become known as The Times from 1788. This was the most significant newspaper of the first half of the 19th century, but from around 1860 there were a number of more strongly competitive titles, each differentiated by its political biases and interests.
2-Types Of Newspapers:
Newspapers in UK differ by its plurality and diversity. Including the regional and the national newspapers, nearly 1536 newspaper today exist in Britain of which 1300 are daily and weekly published. Besides, almost 1835 magazines stretch over Britain.
Newspapers are traditionally categorized into two types in the United Kingdom. Broadsheets which are larger in size and are seen as being more intellectual and upmarket (like Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, Financial Times, Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Observer, The Independent, Independent on Sunday, The Times, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Mail, Metro) ; and tabloids which are smaller in size and seen as being more downmarket than broadsheets,
containing more stories about celebrities or gossip and scandals (like Daily Star, The People, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Sport, The Sun ) . However, some broadsheet papers, such as The Times and The Independent have recently switched to a smaller size, preferring to call themselves compact rather than being stigmatised by the tabloid label.
2-a.The Sun
The Sun is a tabloid daily newspaper published in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland with the highest circulation of any daily English-language newspaper in the world, standing at 3,107,412 copies daily in the first half of 2006, (USA Today, the best-selling US newspaper at 2,270,000 ). The daily readership is just over 7,800,000.
The Sun relies on stories about the entertainment industry, gossip concerning the British monarchy, and sports, as well as news and politics for its content, with many items revolving around celebrities.
In addition to writers covering celebrities-about-town and the latest soap opera storylines, the paper is always on the lookout for celebrities in trouble or scandal.
Its serious news stories frequently focus on themes of immigration, security scandals, domestic abuse and paedophiles. The Page 3 pin-up girl is invariably a girl between the ages of 18-28, posing topless.
The current editor is Rebekah Wade, the first female editor in the paper's history.
Politically, The Sun newspaper normally attacks politicians who show themselves to support policies deemed undesirable by The Sun, either from the UK or Europe. It routinely refers to foreign leaders in unflattering terms — such as dubbing President Jacques Chirac of France "le Worm" or When France declared itself against the Iraq war the editorial said "The French President is an unscrupulous, conniving, preening, lying, cheating hypocrite". George Galloway (the British MP) is quite frequently referred to in denigrating language and accused of befriending Saddam Hussein and his sons.
2-b.The Guardian
The Guardian is a British newspaper owned by the Guardian Media Group. It is published Monday to Saturday. It has been awarded the National Newspaper of the Year in 1999 and 2006 by the British Press Awards, as well as being co-winner of the World's Best-designed Newspaper as awarded by the Society for News Design (2006). The Guardian Unlimited website won the Best Newspaper category two years running in the 2005 and 2006 Webby Awards, beating (in 2005) the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and Variety. It has been the winner for six years in a row of the British Newspaper Awards for Best Electronic Daily Newspaper
3-Press Complaints Commission (PCC)
Magazines and newspapers – both local and national – are self-regulated by the Press Complaints Commission, whose main role is to deal with complaints from the public about editorial content.
The Press Complaints Commission is an independent organisation set up in 1991 to ensure that British newspapers and magazines follow the letter and spirit of an ethical Code of Practice dealing with issues such as inaccuracy, privacy, misrepresentation and harassment. The Commission resolves complaints about possible breaches of the Code and gives general guidance to editors on related ethical issues. If editors choose to ignore such recommendations, and publish information considered as 'classified', they may be liable to prosecution under the Official Secrets Act *.
3-a. PCC Code Of Practice
Some of the main ideas of code of practice for the press, introduced in December 1997 after the death of Princess Diana, include:
@ Whenever it is recognised that a significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distorted report has been published, it should be corrected promptly and with due prominence
@ An apology must be published whenever appropriate.
@ Journalists and photographers must neither obtain nor seek to obtain information or pictures through intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
@ They must not photograph individuals in private places without their consent.
@ Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence. A publication will be expected to justify intrusions into any individual's private life without consent.
3-b. Public Interest
There may be exceptions to the clauses of Code Of Practice where they can be demonstrated to be in the public interest.
The public interest includes, but is not confined to:
@ Protecting public health and safety.
@ Preventing the public from being misled by an action or statement of an individual or an organisation.
@ There is a public interest in freedom of expression itself.
@ Whenever the public interest is invoked, the PCC will require editors to demonstrate fully how the public interest was served.
4. The Campaign For Press and Broadcasting Freedom (CPBF)
The CPBF was established in 1979. It is the leading independent organisation
dealing with questions of freedom, diversity and accountability in the UK media. It has consistently developed policies designed to encourage a more
* : Any newspaper or any broadcasting station can be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act, if it publishes or disseminates information classified as 'official', which is thought to endanger national security. The Act was originally issued in 1911, and reformed in 1989.
pluralistic media in the UK and to promote accountability, diversity and plurality in mass communications. In addition, it is regarded as a pressure-group aiming to raise public awareness of these issues by publishing leaflets on media freedom, broadcasting monopolies, freedom of expression, censorship, and media and democracy.
TV Broadcasting
1-BBC Network
2-The Office Of Communications (Ofcom)
3-Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC)
4-News Sources
5-Digital Switchover
6-About the BBC :History
6-a.1.BBC Trust
6-a.2.The Executive Board
6-b.TV Licence Fee
6-c.Puplic Opinion & TV Licence Fee
The UK now has the widest number of channels in Europe with 416 channels aimed specifically at UK viewers. They vary from home shopping channels to music channels, documentary channels, adult channels and to children's channels. The next largest market is France then Italy.
The public service television broadcasters in UK are:
· The BBC, a public corporation, funded mainly by the television licence fee*
· Channel 4, a public corporation self-funded by advertising revenues in England.
· S4C, a public corporation broadcasting for the fourth channel in Wales and funded by grant-in-aid from the Government and advertising revenue .
· ITV(Independent TV), Five, and Teletext, commercial television companies, funded by advertising revenues.
1-BBC Network
2-The Office Of Communications (Ofcom)
3-Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC)
4-News Sources
5-Digital Switchover
6-About the BBC :History
6-a.1.BBC Trust
6-a.2.The Executive Board
6-b.TV Licence Fee
6-c.Puplic Opinion & TV Licence Fee
The UK now has the widest number of channels in Europe with 416 channels aimed specifically at UK viewers. They vary from home shopping channels to music channels, documentary channels, adult channels and to children's channels. The next largest market is France then Italy.
The public service television broadcasters in UK are:
· The BBC, a public corporation, funded mainly by the television licence fee*
· Channel 4, a public corporation self-funded by advertising revenues in England.
· S4C, a public corporation broadcasting for the fourth channel in Wales and funded by grant-in-aid from the Government and advertising revenue .
· ITV(Independent TV), Five, and Teletext, commercial television companies, funded by advertising revenues.
1-BBC Network
The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) broadcasts eight public service television channels in the UK. BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four, CBBC, CBeebies, BBC News 24 and BBC Parliament. They are all available on every digital platform (cable, satellite and terrestrial (Free view)) free to air.
* : TV licence fee is a fee that every British citizen must pay; apart from the taxes. Dedicated to fund only the BBC network.
These eight television channels, like the BBC's radio services, carry no advertising or sponsorship, a non-profit making organisation. They are publicly funded through the mandatory television licence. In November 2006 this cost around £11 per month per household although it is free to the elderly (pensioners).
Outside the UK, the BBC also broadcasts a growing number of commercial television services. BBC World (partially funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office), BBC Food and BBC Prime are available in many places around the world while channels like BBC America and BBC Japan are targeted at consumers in those particular countries. No BBC-branded commercial channels are distributed in the UK although BBC World can be received from
the Hotbird satellite. The advertising revenues are the main sources to fund those channels.
The other four public commercial television networks (channel 4 (s4c), ITV, Five, Teletext) have an obligation to provide some programming which is deemed to be "Public Service". Each one of these channels is available on every digital platform.
2-Office Of Communications
The Office of Communications (Ofcom) is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services. Ofcom also reviews the media ownership rules at least every three years and makes recommendations to the British government
on necessary reforms. In other words, the responsibility for licensing, regulating and monitoring public service broadcasters lies with the Ofcom.
3-Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC)
The 1996 Broadcasting Act established the Broadcasting Standards Commission. Its role is similar to that of the Press Complaints Commission, in that it functions as a forum for public concerns relating to the portrayal of sex and violence and matters of taste and decency in television and radio programmes, as well as unjust and unfair treatment and unwarranted infringement of privacy by broadcasters.
The BSC is to draw up, publish and, from time to time, review codes giving guidance on: principles and practices relating to the avoidance of unjust and unfair treatment in programmes and unwarranted infringement of privacy, in or in connection with, the obtaining of material included in such programmes; and practices to be followed in connection with the portrayal of violence and sexual conduct in programmes and standards of taste and decency for programmes generally.
The BSC will adjudicate on broadcasting complaints (no matter was it about a public or private TV channel), made by anyone: The Act divides complaints into two categories: standards complaints and fairness complaints. Standards complaints concern the portrayal of violence or sexual conduct in programmes or failures on the part of programmes to attain standards of taste and decency. Fairness complaints concern unjust and unfair treatment in programmes or unwarranted infringement of privacy in connection with the obtaining of material included in programmes.
4-British News Agencies
London is a major global communications hub, and many news and pictures agencies, working for both the press and broadcasting, are located there. It is the global headquarters of Reuters, and the base for a number of other international agencies, including AFX (Agence France/Extel Financial), the fourth largest global financial news agency. There are also :
° British Media Online : directory of British news and media websites.
° Ananova : UK based news portal.
°The Press Association (PA): the UK's national news agency.
°BBC News
°BBC World.
5-Digital Switchover
Starting in 2008 and ending in 2012, TV services in the UK will go completely digital, TV region by TV region. This process is called digital switchover. The UK’s old television broadcast signal (known as “analogue”) is being switched off and replaced with a “digital” signal. Any TV set or video recorder that’s not converted to digital when the switchover takes place will no longer receive TV programmes.UK is the second country in the world,after Japan, that generalized the use of digital service.
6-About the BBC: History
The British Broadcasting Corporation, usually known as the BBC (and also informally known as the Beeb or Auntie) is one of the largest broadcasting corporations in the world in terms of audience numbers, employing 26,000 staff in the UK alone and with a budget of more than £4 billion.
Founded in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company Ltd, it was subsequently incorporated and made a state-owned but independent corporation in 1927. The corporation produces programmes and information services, broadcasting on television, radio, and the Internet. The stated mission of the BBC is "to inform, educate and entertain", and the motto of the BBC is Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation.
The BBC is a quasi-autonomous Public Corporation operating as a public service broadcaster. The Corporation is currently run by a board of governors appointed by the Queen on the advice of government ministers; however, the BBC is, per its charter, to be "free from both political and commercial influence and answers only to its viewers and listeners".
BBC is managed through two main bodies :
6-a.1.BBC Trust
The arrival of the BBC Trust, took place according to the new review of the BBC Charter *, marks a revolution in the way the BBC is governed. The BBC Trust, replacing the Governors Board, will ensure greater transparency of how the BBC does its business and for the first time, the public will have a say in setting the strategic direction of the BBC.
The BBC Trust consists of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and ten members, or "Trustees". Their backgrounds and experience is wide, ranging from broadcasting, regulation, competition, business, the public sector and engagement with the public, to programme-making and journalism. They are appointed by the Queen on advice from ministers.Its main role is is to work on behalf of licence fee payers(the public), ensuring the BBC provides high quality output and good value for all UK citizens, and it protects the independence of the BBC. To achieve this, the Trustees must keep in close contact with licence fee payers – being aware of and understanding their expectations of the BBC. They do this via research, direct engagement with the public and through the work of the BBC Audience Councils. BBC Trustees are supported in their work by the Trust Unit.
6-a.2.The Executive Board
The BBC Executive Board, made up of 16 members, is formally constituted under article 7 of the Royal Charter and is responsible for delivering the BBC’s services in line with the priorities set by the BBC Trust. The latter has the role of assessing the performance of the Executive Board as set out in the Royal Charter and Agreement.
6-b.TV Licence Fee
In the United Kingdom, television licence fees are set annually by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (a Cabinet Minister) and governed by the The Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations Statutory Instruments. The BBC is authorised by the Communications Act 2003 to collect the licence fees and pay them into the Government's Consolidated Fund. The BBC is then
* BBC charter is reviewed every ten years . The 1996 Charter and Agreement expired on 31 December 2006.
* BBC charter is reviewed every ten years . The 1996 Charter and Agreement expired on 31 December 2006.
paid from the Consolidated Fund via the DCMS's (Dept For Culture, Media And Sport) funding allocation from the Appropriation Act annually, with an additional amount from the Department of Work and Pensions to fund subsidised licences for those aged over 75s.
6-c.Puplic Opinion & TV Licence Fee
The television licence Fee is often the subject of controversy in Britain.
In 2005 the government conducted extensive research into public opinion of the licensing system. Criticisms concerning the UK TV licence include cost, value for money, whether or not the BBC should be publicly funded, and licence collection methods.ons. However, some critics claim it is a violation of the freedom to receive information without interference. In addition, some critics regard it unfair that a single-person household has to pay the same amount for a TV licence as a multi-person household. Finally, mobile phones or the Internet, has led to questions over whether a licence fee based on television ownership can continue to be justified when televisions are no longer the sole means for the BBC to distribute its content.
P.S: In Britain, TV services can be either paid for or free to view.
I-History & The Present
II- Latest Changes
Radio Broadcasting in the UK began in 1920 with Marconi's experimental station 2MT located in Writtle, Essex. Two years later, the BBC radio services began, in 1922, with the British Broadcasting Company, Ltd., which was licensed under pressure to provide a radio service for the British public. It was licensed by the British Government through its General Post Office which had original control of the airwaves because they had been interpreted under law as an extension of the Post Office services. Today radio broadcasting still makes up a large part of the corporation's output and this is still reflected in the title of the BBC's listings magazine called Radio Times.Nowadays, nearly 779 radio stations operate in UK of which 10 are BBC national radios.
II- Latest Changes
The Radiocommunications Agency ceased to exist on 29 December 2003 and its duties were assumed by Ofcom, the Office of Communications. Ofcom is the new communications sector regulator and has wide-ranging responsibilities. Ofcom inherits the duties of the five existing regulators it replaces: the Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC), the Independent Television Commission (ITC), Oftel, the Radio Authority and the Radiocommunications Agency.
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