21 March 2007

Performance Of Act III Of the play "An Inspector Calls"

It was Wednesday morning 23 of January 2007 that we have performed the act III of "An Inspector Calls" by J.B.Priestley; however, we prepared for this act nearly 2 weeks knowing that no one helped or guided us; we relied on God firstly then our efforts in the second place. It is important to mention that when preparing, the final exams were on the doors (2/5/2007) . At that time, it was a bit difficult to convince members of the group "actors" to carry on especially the one wrting these lines ! I was determined not to go ahead as the exams were near, yet I didn't revise anything !! But with my friends' pertinacity namely Driss & Mohamed, they urged me to be patient and bear with them the dream, I find myself rather obliged to continue...So, every morning and after noon we met to rehearse. But just days before the time designated to the performance, an unexpected decision was 'almost' taken by our friend Azzouzi (Mr.Birling) : He couldn't go ahead !! As if we heard thunder. I can't tell you how I was while he first told me that when we the boys were in a classroom waiting to start the rehearse morning. I was in a hell of state about it..I upbraided him severely ( he understood the situation and I appologized later) though I didn't know what's the reason behind it -or rather didn't give him time to clarify- He said that Mr.Birling role is so long that he couldn't be ready by the time we all fixed to perform act III; he still needed some time to memorize some paragraphs at the end of the play. We discussed then the problem quietly with the whole group , and finally I suggested to omit some specific paragraphs that won't alter the whole message or meaning of the play. 'M.Birling' as well as the others agreed and we continued again ):
On Tuesday after noon, the final steps were taken to ensure the date and place of the performance : we contacted our teacher of Media & Cultural Studies Mr.Bekkaoui, who is the chief of department of English, to book amphi Bahnini in the morning for us. We also displayed some notices at the faculty for students of English department interested in attending the performance.Finally, I made sure that Azzouzi's friend will come on time with the camera as well ! We were glad to see everything was Ok. At the end, it is instructive to mention that every one of us : Mohamed Benaissa, Driss Belghali, Noureddine Azzouzi and me AL moussaoui Assim acted our roles by lot;thus, My piece of paper contained Eric 'unfortunately'.
Now it is Wednesday morning, I took a taxi to the faculty at around 7:20. All 'actors' were present and students started to come to the amphi. Our teacher of Introduction to Literature( the subject in which we studied the play) Mr.Elkoudia came, after a while Mr.Bekkaoui & Mr.Khayati came as well. It is now 9'Oclock :

This is the 1st part of the performance, the 3 remaining parts will be displayed as soon as they are downloaded in YouTube !
Please it will be a great pleasure for us if you took the poll on the left

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