It is something of truism that humankind seek to broaden their scope of social relationships, yet they can be either a factor of fortification of peace and stability in the world, or a generator of tension and cultural misunderstandings. This is after all due to cross cultural interaction between peoples buttressed presently by globalization. First, crosscultural relationships when smoothly interacting may eventuate in co-existense which basically rests on mutual reverence for the differences in the other's cultural values, language, complexion, religion, race ...etc. ; in this rsepect, the white European should respect the African not out of pity but since he's unadulterated human being who has his own culture and language. By doing so, the world will witness the promotion of peace and dialogue between the diffrent civilizations, religions and nations, and therefore, extrimists and racists will be deterred. Amid this smooth interaction, cultural diversity will bolster and uphold tolerance in people whichever walks of life they are from: black or white, European or African, an Arab or a westener... all of them will be contained in a world replete of homogeneity and plurality. In a word, cross cultural relationships bring people from sandry cultures together living in peace and diversity in a contact zone immunized against racism, stereotypes and subjugation. Sadly, this is how cross cultural relationships ought to be or supposed to happen on the ground. The recurrent wars and conflicts in the world of today, not to mention the past, rebut conclusively this myth of cross cultural relationships. The white man from a retrospective point of view has never desisted from pondering what is non-white as a property or slave rising a fanatical religious rationale that he's destined to "civilize" the "other" non-white, arrogating to himself the right to purge the "pagans" and to colonize and appropriate their land. Due to this doctrine, the world throughout History and up to now has witnessed myriad chronic bloody showdowns and conflicts perpetrated under the cover of modernizing and democratizing the "not me", or more often fighting against terrorism which is the case in Iraq & Afghanistan. The "I", that is the westener, has been always subordinating and excluding the culture of the feeble black claming himself as the paragon of modernity and democracy in this world by means of hegemony, which is inextricably intertwined with the denial of cultural diversity in the white's man ideology.
( I wrote this essay once I finished reading Roberson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe )
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